Sunday 2 June 2013

Want Glowing Skin? Think Couvrez Organic Skincare Products...

Do you long for a naturally gorgeous  complexion? Here is how to nurture your skin so it looks amazing and is healthy.

Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin's outermost surface, or epidermis thereby revealing that natural skin glow. Exfoliation is an important part of both facials and body treatment. When done correctly, exfoliation also makes it easier for products to penetrate.


Your skin is your largest bodily organ: depending upon how voluptuous you are, it can cover up to 30 square feet and weigh close to ten pounds. It's a remarkable organ, renewing itself completely every Twenty-Eight (28) Days, But as we get older, the skin's natural regeneration process (exfoliating) slows down considerable, which further leads to skin disorders and accelerated aging of the skin. When you exfoliate your skin, you mimick the skin's natural regeneration, and plumper skin cells are sent to the surface of the skin. But sadly so many of us take our skin for granted. When it's not properly cared for, the skin can become dry, flaky, and wrinkly -- and no one wants to look like a lizard. So what do you do?
Couvrez Natural & Organic Skin Care was founded to provide skincare secrets that are practical particularly to the woman of color!
The word ""Couvrez"" is a French word that means ""Discovery"" and at Couvrez we believe that the secret to a perfect, blemish free skin is taking this journey to discover the true natural beauty!
Please visit for more on their products.
I started using the couvrez Lemon Brightening Body Scrub and my skin looks and feels great :-) .

Tuesday 28 May 2013

House of MJ Body Scrub (Sugar Based)

Sugar scrubs are the perfect way of getting rid of dry, flaky skin that develops every day. Since they hydrate skin so effectively, they can work wonders in preventing and relieving skin ailments such as eczemas and psoriasis (bet you did not know that :) )massaging scrub onto the skin can help reduce the apperance of cellulite by bringing blood to the skin's surface, which plump(s) and tightens the skin.

House of mj body scrub exfoliates to reveal smooth skin and also brightens, so repeated use can help achieve healthier, uniformly textured and coloured skin.
Flavours available are, chocolate, lemon and orange.
Price: 2,000
Please call 08034495155

Sunday 14 April 2013

Benefits of Body Butter Moisturisers

Body butter is a moisturizing cream that is very thick and intended to provide optimum amounts of skin hydration. It is made from a variety of substances, including cocoa, shea, kakui nut and mango. Filled with essential vitamins and nutrients, body butter provides a natural and healthier way to nourish the skin.

Body butter is very moisturizing for the skin. It helps to form a barrier between the skin and the outside world, allowing the skin to hold in the moisture and stay less dry. Using this type of moisturizing cream regularly keeps the skin hydrated, so that it won't dry out regardless of the conditions you put it under.

The skin will become very soft after using body butter. This cream works as an emolient and gets rid of cracks in the skin. This is especially helpful for those with eczema, psoriasis or other skin ailments.

Body butter also offers protection for the skin, especially when you consider what is contained in traditional lotions. Parabens, a common ingredient in lotions, has been linked to numerous cancers. Body butter is made from natural ingredients, which consists primarily of seed and nut oils. These oils trap moisture close to the skin and prevent harmful external toxins from penetrating.

By using body butter, you introduce high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids into the skin. These fats are good for you nutritionally, but they are also good for your skin by reducing inflammation. Other vitamins like A, C and E are present in body butter as well, offering an additional nourishing boost

Read more:
please visit

A Detox Bath

A detox bath is thought to assist your body in eliminating toxins as well as absorbing the minerals and nutrients that are in the water. Most of all, it’ll leave you feeling refreshed and awakened.
Prepare your bath on a day that you have at least 40 minutes available. The first 20 minutes are said to help your body remove the toxins, while the second 20 minutes are for absorbing the minerals in the water.

Fill your tub with comfortably hot water.
Add Epsom salts (aka magnesium sulfate).

Note: Soaking in Epsom salts actually helps replenish the body’s magnesium levels, combating hypertension. The sulfate flushes toxins and helps form proteins in brain tissue and joints. Epsom salt is very inexpensive. It can be purchased in decently sized bags or cartons at discount stores in the garden center or pharmaceutical area. Very large bags can be ordered from garden centers.
For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath. Add 1 to 2 cups or more of baking soda (a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate).
Note: Baking soda is known for its cleansing ability and even has anti-fungal properties. It also leaves skin very soft. Large bags can usually be found in the swimming pool chemical area, but the boxes from the bakery aisle will work fine.

Add ground ginger or fresh ginger tea. While this step is optional, ginger can increase your heat levels, helping to sweat out toxins. However, since it is heating to the body, it may cause your skin to turn slightly red for a few minutes, so be careful with the amount you add. Depending on the capacity of your tub, and your sensitivity, anywhere from 1 tablespoon to 1/3 cup can be added.
Most people sweat profusely with the addition of the ginger, and if you wrap your body in a blanket immediately after getting out of the tub, you can continue to detoxify through perspiration for another couple of hours. This is especially beneficial if you are trying to rid the body of a bug of some sort, like the flu, or a cold.

Add aromatherapy oils. This is completely optional, but many people love the fragrance of such oils and for many, the oils have particular therapeutic properties to take advantage of. There are many oils that will make the bath an even more pleasant and relaxing experience (such as lavender and ylang ylang), as well as those that will assist in the detoxification process (tea tree oil or eucalyptus). Around 20 drops is sufficient for a standard bath.
If you prefer, you can use fresh herbs. Add mint leaves (warming), lavender flowers (soothing), chamomile (soothing), or anything else that suits your mood.
Swish all of the ingredients around in the tub, then soak. Again, 40 minutes is recommended (the longer the better), but aim for at least 20. You should start sweating within the first few minutes.
If you feel too hot, start adding cold water into the tub until you cool off.
Get out of the tub slowly and carefully. Your body has been working hard and you may get lightheaded or feel weak and drained. On top of that, the salts make your tub slippery, so stand with care.

Drink plenty of water. Any time your body detoxes (after this type of bath, a massage, or chiropractic work, for example), you need to flush out toxins. If you don’t, you will likely feel sick afterwards.
After the bath, you might like to rub down your body with a loofah. This can help to stimulate the lymphatic system, which can aid with the release of toxins. Use long, gentle sweeping strokes aimed toward the heart.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Easy Green Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies are an easy way to ensure you are getting your daily vitamins and nutrients. In just a matter of minutes you can have a daily dose of fruits and vegetables whether you are 5 months old or 105 years old. Let your taste and desire for good nutrition determine the best green smoothie recipe for you.
To some, green smoothies may be a bit intimidating but its healthy.
What you add to this determines the taste and nutrition level. For your first green smoothie, I recommend that you just start by adding a few greens to your favorite fruit smoothie. Once you break the ice you will be ready to experiment with different recipes.

The following chart gives you an idea of how to create a green smoothie to your liking and skill level
Tasty Green Smoothie = Green Leafy Veggie + Liquid (H2O) + Fruit + Spices
Just use the table below to mix and match whatever you have in your kitchen to make your first green smoothie.

  • Green: Spinach
  • Liquid (use one) : Fruit juice; Water + 100% OJ concentrate
  • Fruit (use one or both): Bananas; Blueberries
  • Green (use one or both) Spinach; Kale
  • Liquid (use one): Water; Fruit juice
  • Fruit (use one or more): Bananas; Blueberries; Apples; Grapes; Dates
  • Green (use one or more): Spinach; Kale; Bok choy; Collard greens; Cabbage greens; Swiss Chard; Beet Greens
  • Liquid (use one): Water; Fruit Juice; Apple Cider; Pineapple Juice; etc.
  • Fruits/veggies/spices (use one or more): Carrots; Beets (top & root); Lemon & Ginger root; Pumpkin; Cinnamon; Herbs (mint); Tomatoes

Green Details …
Spinach is a mild and sweet green (as far as greens go) and is easy to mask in taste. It is a good source of dietary fiber, protein, and Vitamins A, K, C and E.

Kale can be a bitter green, but is labeled a cancer-fighting super-food. Make it a staple in your house.
Collards have more of a ‘green taste’, but are a healthy green nonetheless. They have the ability to lower cholesterol and contain cancer-preventative properties.

Blender Considerations …
Your green smoothie experience will vary based on the type of blender you are using. For instance, if you are using a hand blender or small … low power blender like the Magic Bullet … be prepared for small bits of spinach leaves to be left un-blended in the smoothie.
There is a significant difference in the silky smooth texture produced by a professional grade blender versus the chunky lumpy texture of the cheaper lower speed machines. The super high blade speeds produced by top end blenders literally explode the food into small bits versus cutting the food with razor sharp blades. One machine can not be compared to the other, so if you have an opportunity to test one out do take advantage of the opportunity. Especially if you are on the fence about upgrading to one of the more expensive blenders.
Most people find chunks and lumps to be very unappealing and I think this results in them making fewer smoothies. For my family of four the investment in a professional grade blender was a worthwhile investment for producing super smooth smoothies that get rave reviews.


My personal recipe is:
Honey (for us sweet tooth :) )
Water ( 2cups)




 way to stay fueled through out the day. And because they are high in fiber, your body stays regular (if you know what I mean). Green smoothies are known to resolve a lot of digestive problems. And with a proper diet, can help you stay lean.

Note: Green Smoothies are generally a mix of 60% ripe fruit and 40% organic greens.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

About Castor Oil and Stretch Marks

About Castor Oil and Stretch Marks

Castor oil is established as an efficient treatment for a number of skin problems. These include wrinkles, age spots, fine lines and skin blemishes. Ayurveda and Homeopathic science powerfully suggests this oil to remedy and avoid stretch marks as well.
Using Castor Oil Treatment for Stretch Marks
Obtain a sufficient quantity of castor oil and massage it on top of the distressed part. Develop a dense coating of this oil in this region. Subsequently wrap using saran wrap. You might as well opt to cover it by means of plastic sheet.
Put on heat to this region for approximately 20 to 25 minutes. You can perform this by means of utilizing a hot water bottle or a heating pad. You can as well perform it for 45 minutes at a maximum. Carry on with the practice once every day, for a minimum of seven days or one week. You will definitely obtain noticeable outcomes within 7 to 10 days.